Skip These Foods and Skip the Pounds

Summer is here in a few short days. You’ve got back yard BBQs and other summer soirees, visitors and many outings that likely have you freaking out about what to eat. Heck, Summer may have crept [...]


Eat It, Eat It (No, Not a Weird Al Yankovic Song)

As a Health Coach, I get a lot of the same questions: what should I cut from my diet? What shouldn’t I be eating? What’s bad for me? My answer to those questions is why focus on the negative? Why [...]


Avoid the ‘Resolution Rut’

Okay so you’ve made your New Year’s resolution. Now what? Whether it was to get fit, eat better or alleviate stress, it’s always easier said than done. Where do you get started and how do you [...]


Just Can’t Stop Smiling

It’s been a year since Vitola Strategies has been in business. I am happy to report it has not only been a successful year for Vitola Strategies, but it has also been one of the best years of my [...]


Does Halloween [Candy] Scare You?

Every year it’s the same thing. You can’t wait for Halloween, but you loathe the candy that your kids collect with their door-to-door trick or treating festivities. The fun [and even healthy [...]


To Supplement or Not to Supplement…It’s Always the Question*

As a Health Coach and fitness fanatic, I often get the question, do I use supplements? The short answer to that question is yes. I do use supplements and I do believe they have a place in a [...]


Corporate America, You’re Still Miles Away from Doing Right by New Moms

The odds are still against women trying to balance work life and mommy life. I am not a mother, but I know many…some I have managed, some managed me, my sister-in-law is a working mom and so are [...]


Summer Salad Recipe Favorites

Summertime is arguably the best time of the year – well at least I think so.  Days are longer, we can be outdoors more and what excites me the most is the abundance and variety of fruits and [...]


A Vacation from Your Workout: Never a Good Idea

In a couple of days, I leave for Jamaica. I literally cannot wait. As I am thinking about all the great bikinis, sandals and sundresses I am bringing, I am also thinking about packing my workout [...]


You Don’t Have to Break Up – Go to Counseling

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let’s talk about relationships. Specifically, your relationship with food. People’s relationship with food can be like any other relationship in their life. It [...]