Eat It, Eat It (No, Not a Weird Al Yankovic Song)

As a Health Coach, I get a lot of the same questions: what should I cut from my diet? What shouldn’t I be eating? What’s bad for me? My answer to those questions is why focus on the negative? Why [...]


To Supplement or Not to Supplement…It’s Always the Question*

As a Health Coach and fitness fanatic, I often get the question, do I use supplements? The short answer to that question is yes. I do use supplements and I do believe they have a place in a [...]


Corporate America, You’re Still Miles Away from Doing Right by New Moms

The odds are still against women trying to balance work life and mommy life. I am not a mother, but I know many…some I have managed, some managed me, my sister-in-law is a working mom and so are [...]


A Vacation from Your Workout: Never a Good Idea

In a couple of days, I leave for Jamaica. I literally cannot wait. As I am thinking about all the great bikinis, sandals and sundresses I am bringing, I am also thinking about packing my workout [...]