The Spending Power Of Gen X Women is Greater than Millennials…It’s True!

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While most marketers focus on Millennial women and even Gen Z, it’s Gen X women they really need to look at. Yes, Millennials outnumber Gen X by nearly double, BUT the spending power of Gen X exceeds Millennials.

I am speaking at the Global Summit Marketing to Women in New York on May 3, and I will prove to you that Gen X women are at a point in their lives where their careers are blossoming, and they are ready to engage with brands and spend their disposable income. Plus they have been pretty savvy with their financial decisions – even in this crazy economy. You’ll learn how to reach Gen X women, I will share some provocative statistics, and you’ll find out what works and why and how Gen X women can have a huge impact on your sales.

93% of Women say they strongly influence their families financial services purchasing…Check out the Fast Facts of Women’s Purchasing Power during my presentation. Hope to see you there!


Catch Up with me, 20+ Marketing to Women Experts  – Only at M2W®

More Info:

Email Liz Fongemie or call 860.724.2649 x 11

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